Official Roles, Terms of Service and Biographies

The Board of Trustees consists of seven members, elected at large in the community college district on a nonpartisan basis for staggered terms of six years. The election is held the first Tuesday in November in even-numbered years. The term of office is from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31. Any qualified elector residing within the community college district is eligible to be chosen as a board member. Each member of the Board of Trustees has the duty to attend the board meetings, both regular and special; to perform special responsibilities as authorized by the board and recommended by the president or chairperson, to support the best interests of the College; and to faithfully represent the district in all matters before the public.

Sheila Patterson

Sheila A. Patterson

Trustee Biography


Donna L. Lake

Vice Chairperson
Trustee Biography


Matt Heins

Matthew R. Heins

Trustee Biography


Phil Hoffman

Philip E. Hoffman

Trustee Biography


Danielle E. Mackey



Christopher A. Simpson

Trustee Biography


Trustee Teshna Thomas

Teshna Thomas


Trustee Biography


The officers of the board consist of a chairperson and a vice chairperson (who shall be members of the board). The officers shall be elected by the Board of Trustees for two-year terms, selected on the odd years. A majority of four members of the Board of Trustees is a quorum. No act is valid unless voted on at a meeting of the board by a majority vote of the members of the board and a proper record made of the same. The Board of Trustees shall conduct its meetings and business in conformance with Act No. 267, State of Michigan Public Acts of 1976, the Open Meetings Act.

Note: The dates under each trustee image represents (first year in office/year current term concludes).

Past Board Members

Board Member Term Start Term Finish
John M. Crist 2006 2024
Samuel R. Barnes 2009 2023
Michael Burgess 2002 2004
Christina L. Medlar 2001 2012
Edward Mathein 1999 2022
Rodrick Riggs 1999 2002
Dennis DaPra 1998 2008
William Lambkin 1997 2008
Georgia Fojtasek 1995 2000
Charles Anderson 1995 2008
John VanderPoel 1991 1997
Jacqueline Dulworth 1989 1995
Robert Johnson 1985 1994
Mark Rosenfeld 1982 1996
Lois Franklin 1979 1990
John Selby 1978 1984
Faith J. Justin 1978 1978
E. Dean Edwards 1978 1982
Betsy Dolan 1977 1988
Victor Cuiss 1974 1998
Hugh D.  Federer 1973 1978
Marvin Raguse 1973 1978
J.C. Drake 1973 1978
Charles O. Conrad 1969 1974
Michael J. Baughman 1969 1998
 Hugh D.  Federer 1966 1978
Elwin T. Ruffner 1965 1972
Justin R. Whiting 1962 1965
Bert H. Walker 1962 1968
George E. Potter 1962 2006
Louis H. Leggett 1962 1972
James P. Graham 1962 1968
Ruth M. Day 1962 1976